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Lorven Crephar


Lorven was born in Subterra, a cursed city he curses whenever he thinks of it. Raised by his mother after being abandoned by his father, he developed his hand-to-hand combat skills participating in armed fights to earn money during his miserable life. From mouth to mouth and from job to job, he crossed the ocean and arrived in Ignis. In Ignis, he continued to fight to survive until during one of the fights he spotted Ignis's widow queen, Lady Orinia. Seeing in her an opportunity to improve his life, he won the heart of the morally dubious queen. Although Lorven never loved Orinia, he married her. However, when Orinia found out that Lorven came from Subterra, she started avoiding him, making the marriage a royal facade. They had a son, Thalrik Crephar, but Orinia died during childbirth due to complications. Lorven only harbored a tragic friendship for her, but he did not feel guilty for using his charm to seduce the queen and become Ignis's new king. On his 451st birthday, he officially became the king of Ignis, now a widower with a rebellious son who he loves for being an extension of himself. However, he would never tell his son that he loves him, as he is strict in Thalrik's upbringing, even though Thalrik is now 28 years old. Lorven suffers from mild depression but refuses to admit it. When Thalrik suggested that Lorven go out more around the kingdom and look for something to entertain himself, he hesitated to accept the idea. Lorven has been reserved ever since he secured a comfortable life as king. The people of Ignis like their current king, Lorven, finding him a practical king, even though he sometimes uses Orinia's violent tactics under the kingdom to maintain order among the city's monsters.

+: 194 centimeters tall, 564 years, Dilf.

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 The race in question is likened to dark elves, inhabiting the depths of the underground, specifically the vast and dangerous caves of a subterranean world in Subterra. They are dark-skinned elves characterized by a striking appearance: their skin varies from dark tones to nearly grayish opaques, and their eyes can glow with a red, golden, or white light, adapted to the total darkness where they live. They live up to 700 years.

These underground elves have a strongly hierarchical matriarchal society, where priestesses hold positions of power. The goddess they worship is a dark deity named Demona, reflecting their culture's treacherous and cunning nature. They are masters of arcane magic and possess exceptional combat skills, both melee and ranged, often using poisons and ambush tactics.

Their society values strength and cunning, and intrigue and betrayal among them are common, with frequent power struggles within their noble houses. Despite their malevolent reputation, they are incredibly intelligent, agile, and skilled. They have adapted perfectly to the hostile environment of the underground world, where light is rare and survival depends on exceptional abilities.

Soul mate: When two soulmates meet, they usually recognize their bond immediately, although sometimes one partner may not realize it right away. Nyxumbra can form relationships without being soulmates because this bond is rare, and many never meet their mate During life. 

Folow me

Last update: 17/06/24

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